Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Three Point Shooting Drills/Cues


One player starts with the ball under the basket. The other player spots up from any spot behind the three point line. The ball is passed to the shooter who catches the ball low with their knees bent and shoots a jump shot. The shooter gets their own rebound while the passer now spots up to shoot. After a pass is made get a hand in the shooter's face and go game speed.

· Good body balance

· Focus on the basket as the bulls-eye picture in the eye.

· Concentrate and “think” the ball into the target.

· Follow through

· Note rhythm and smoothness of motion.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Free Throw Drills/Cues

Free-Throw Drill

Player starts with his initial position in front of the basket. Using good balance, aiming, concentration and follow-through shoots the ball at the target. If the shot is successful, he takes one step backward, taking a pass from the coach who retrieves the ball.
This procedure is repeated until player reaches the free-throw line. If he misses a shot, the player must start from the beginning.
Upon successful completion of all shots back to the free-throw line, the player shoots 10 free-throws.

-Be consistent with your pre-shot routine
-Feet shoulder width apart
-Line your dominant foot (same side of the body the shooting hand is on) with the center of the rim
-Shooting arm’s elbow is kept in/close to the body
-Non-shooting hand kept on the side to guide the ball
-Focus on the back of the rim

Lay Up Drill/Cues

one-handed driving layup shot basketball drill #2 

Driving Lay-up (Passer uses eye and pass fakes)
Two lines are formed and two balls are used. In unison, player #1 starts dribble as player #3 moves down the floor and drives toward the basket for a pass and lay-up. Player #1 fakes, passes in and follows.
Second ball is put in play when first play clears. Player #1 who followed, retrieves the ball and tosses out to #5. Alternate lines on both sides of the floor.

1) 1,2 and up Footwork-1=Step with your Outside foot, Followed by 2= Stepping with your Inside Foot and up for the finish.
2)Pick Up-Strong quick pick up of the final dribble,
- Want to make it a hard final dribble so the ball comes back to your hand quickly after hitting the floor
3) Sweet Spot Finish- Remember to aim at the top corner of the square, and majority of the time the shot will go in.