Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lay Up Drill/Cues

one-handed driving layup shot basketball drill #2 

Driving Lay-up (Passer uses eye and pass fakes)
Two lines are formed and two balls are used. In unison, player #1 starts dribble as player #3 moves down the floor and drives toward the basket for a pass and lay-up. Player #1 fakes, passes in and follows.
Second ball is put in play when first play clears. Player #1 who followed, retrieves the ball and tosses out to #5. Alternate lines on both sides of the floor.

1) 1,2 and up Footwork-1=Step with your Outside foot, Followed by 2= Stepping with your Inside Foot and up for the finish.
2)Pick Up-Strong quick pick up of the final dribble,
- Want to make it a hard final dribble so the ball comes back to your hand quickly after hitting the floor
3) Sweet Spot Finish- Remember to aim at the top corner of the square, and majority of the time the shot will go in.

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