Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Free Throw Drills/Cues

Free-Throw Drill

Player starts with his initial position in front of the basket. Using good balance, aiming, concentration and follow-through shoots the ball at the target. If the shot is successful, he takes one step backward, taking a pass from the coach who retrieves the ball.
This procedure is repeated until player reaches the free-throw line. If he misses a shot, the player must start from the beginning.
Upon successful completion of all shots back to the free-throw line, the player shoots 10 free-throws.

-Be consistent with your pre-shot routine
-Feet shoulder width apart
-Line your dominant foot (same side of the body the shooting hand is on) with the center of the rim
-Shooting arm’s elbow is kept in/close to the body
-Non-shooting hand kept on the side to guide the ball
-Focus on the back of the rim

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